THRHA has rental properties available to individuals and families in communities in Southeast Alaska. Income and other restrictions may apply. Vacancies can also be heard on THRHA’s rental hotline at 780-MOVE (780-6683).


    • Have at least one year of positive landlord history.
    • Pass a criminal background check.
    • Must not pay more than 50% of your income towards rent and utilities.
    • Meet income guidelines for the program applying for.

Required Documentation:

    • Completed Application
    • ​​Copies of social security cards for all persons listed on the application
    • Copies of ID’s or Driver’s Licenses for all adults listed on the application
    • Tax return for prior year (This is absolutely necessary if you are self-employed)
    • Proof of tribal enrollment (if applicable)
    • Copy of voucher for rental assistance (if applicable)
    • Social Security Benefits Awards Letter (if applicable
    • $10 application fee per adult household member.

Preference Considerations:

    • ​​Homelessness
    • ​​​Living in substandard housing conditions
    • Displacement due to domestic violence, natural disaster, or family reunification
    • ​If your rent and utilities are over 50 percent of your gross monthly income, excluding those applicants receiving rental subsidy
    • Terminally Ill
    • U.S. Veterans
    • Disabled
    • Section 8 Vouchers
    • Other Preference Points that do not require documentation: living in the community, working, or elderly


Household will be placed on THRHA’s waiting list based on household size and preference points. Applicants should update their application if there are any changes in household composition, address, contact information, income, or housing situation.

Bonita Friday 

(907) 780-3119