• 5446 Jenkins Drive, Juneau, AK 99801
  • Call Toll Free 888-241-6868

Business Partners

THRHA currently partners with 13 different organizations.

First Bank of Alaska

First Bank of Alaska

First Bank of Alaska works with us on financial literacy programs and provided loans to THRHA for various developments and projects that required unique funding elements.

HUD housing

Federal (HUD) Housing and Urban Development

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development currently sponsors Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority programming through NAHASDA which includes home repairs.

Wells Fargo Alaska

Wells Fargo

Participates in the IRS Tax Credit Program for Juneau’s Glacier Village and Yakutat’s Sunrise House.

Alaska Housing Finance Corporation

Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC)

Provides financing for THRHA Programs such as our Mortgage Loan Program, Housing Opportunity Program, Fireweed Place, IRS Tax Credit Program and HOME Investment Partnership Program.

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Federal Home Loan Bank

Provides THRHA clients affordable housing loan opportunities.

Southeast Cities and Municipalities

Through cooperation agreements, Southeast Municipalities have reduced property taxes for THRHA homes.


Southeast Alaska Guidance Association (SAGA)

Partnered with us to offer the YABAH or Young Alaskans Building Affordable Housing) program that provides at-risk teens job skills in construction while working on their GED.


State of Alaska Dept. of Labor (AK DOL)

Sponsors the ACE (Advanced Construction Education) program that provides graduates of SAGA’s YABAH program the opportunity to attend specialized classes in construction, worked with skilled carpenters, and potential employment with THRHA.

Tlingit Haida Central Council

Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (CCTHITIA)

REACH is the Residential Energy Assistance Challenge Program that is contracted through us to provide elderly and handicapped clients with the development of cold season survival plans, energy efficient home repairs and heating systems.

Alaska Senior and Disabilities Services (AK H&SS)

CHOICES Medicaid Program contracted with us to provide environmental modifications for our clients.


University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) Construction Technology

Funded under a grant from theCold Climate Housing Research Center, UAS is working with THRHA to construct and monitorPERSIST (pressure equalized rain screen insulation structure technique) housing at Glacier Village Subdivision in Juneau and ACE training.

Alaska Community Development


The Weatherization Program was contracted with us to make energy efficient home repairs to our clients.


Cold Climate Housing Research Center (CCHRC)

Partnered with us to provide extensive and details technical assistant on various developments and programs including PERSIST.

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