by Randy Randy

Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority Releases 2024 Southeast Regional Tribal Housing Survey Analysis

Juneau, Alaska, May 2024 —The Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority (THRHA) has published the 2024 Southeast Regional Tribal Housing Survey Analysis, which includes 13 reports. This comprehensive assessment, developed in collaboration with Rain Coast Data and SALT, provides a detailed overview of housing needs, challenges and priorities for Alaska Native households in 12 Southeast Alaska communities. The survey covers home conditions, preferences, costs and finances and gathered responses from 1,630 THRHA tribal households. Jacqueline Pata, President and CEO of THRHA, emphasized the study’s significance in obtaining housing funding and its immediate impact on housing strategies with tribal leaders.

Key Findings:

  • Affordable Housing: 91% of households cite affordable housing as the most critical need, with Craig (96%), Douglas (95%), and Juneau (93%) reporting the highest needs. Since 2019, average rent and mortgage costs have increased by 26% and 66% of households are considered low-income by HUD criteria.
  • Income and Housing Costs: 76% of tribal households are cost-burdened, spending 30% or more of their income on housing, including 23% who spend over half their income. The average annual income was $75,264. Craig, Juneau and Saxman Households are most likely cost burdened.
  • Homeownership: Increasing access to homeownership is a high priority for 79% of respondents and 92% prefer owning to renting. Half of tribal households rent, compared to a third of all regional households. Douglas has the highest rental rate at 73%. Homeownership is becoming more challenging as housing values rise, with the average home value now $290,120, a 56% increase since 2019. The average household income has increased by 15% over the same period.
  • Demographics: 36% of tribal households have someone over 60, up from 25% in 2019. Households with children have decreased to 50% from 57% five years ago.
  • Homelessness: Tribal households provide a tremendous, uncompensated social safety net within their communities. 36% of tribal households hosted homeless individuals, averaging 80 nights per household last year, providing an estimated 95,000 nights of lodging. Saxman (46%), Craig (44%) and Douglas (43%) were most likely to host.
  • Energy Efficiency and Heating: 78% of respondents want more energy-efficient homes. Heating fuel is the primary source for 41% of homes, but heat pump usage has risen from 1% in 2019 to 12%. This conversion saves households an average of $144 per winter month.
  • Single-Family Homes: 78% of households demand more single-family homes. Currently, 50% of tribal households live in single-family homes, 36% in multi-family units and 13% in mobile homes.
  • Housing Conditions: 50% rate their homes as good or excellent, 38% as adequate and 11% as poor. The average age of tribal homes is 44 years.

Critical Need Responses: Survey respondents wrote about the urgent need for affordable homeownership options:

  • “Whether it be affordable rentals or affordable homes for purchase – our community and our tribe needs to focus more on buying/building homes. Our people need homes.” Juneau survey respondent
  • “In Klawock, there are hardly any homes for rent or purchase. Our people are having to leave our Native communities.” Klawock survey respondent
  • “We are in the midst of a housing crisis for families living here, young adults and families wanting to own a house because there is nothing reasonable priced that it worth purchasing. Everything is way over budget. People cannot find a place to rent that will suit their families or self.” Petersburg survey respondent
  • “We need more safe, energy-efficient, cost-effective, affordable housing.” Angoon survey respondent
  • “Saxman needs more multi-generational housing and more housing in general.” Saxman survey respondent

THRHA serves as the housing entity for several Alaska Native communities, including Angoon, Craig, Douglas, Klawock, Kake, Kasaan, Saxman, Petersburg, Skagway, the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Wrangell and Yakutat. They collaborate with leaders, stakeholders, and government entities to address housing needs, with survey findings guiding programs and policies for better affordability, accessibility and quality for Alaska Native families in Southeast Alaska.

Click here to see all community and regional survey reports.


by Randy Randy

Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority (THRHA) is applying for 2024 Preservation & Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Grant funding from US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Project Name:
Preservation & Reinvestment of Manufactured Housing in SE Alaska Communities

Project Description:
To address dilapidated manufactured housing in SE Alaska communities.

Project Timeline:
October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2030

Project Budget:
Not To Exceed $7,000,000

Please submit all comments, questions, or concerns by May 24, at 12:00 Noon to or call 907-780-6868.